Their Stories

Below are some of the things our service users and their families have said about Men’s Monthly Club.

M, 30

I would sincerely like to express my heartfelt thanks to Men’s Monthly Club for providing me and my family a way out when I had no other resources.

Words cannot express how comfortable Men’s Monthly Club made me feel about the situation I have been facing. They were Heaven-sent - I kid you not, Paul came to my house and met my family, and we talked like we had known each other for years. I must say, I was praying for a way to rectify my issues and MMC came like a blessing in disguise. Paul was very patient, caring, and friendly. I felt it was a great experience to just have met someone like that who made me feel comfortable, didn’t rush me into any kind of situation, and took things at my pace.

I am still in the program, and still getting help with many issues I am struggling with. Men’s Monthly Club is a God send, and the events that I am able to attend have helped massively.

Thank you all!!

M, 25

I came to Paul in a very dark place. I was a shell of the man I once was. I had a lot of confidence and self-worth issues, and had some suicidal tendencies.

Other services were lacking and really weren’t helpful. I thought I was going to have to go private and pay an absolute fortune. However, by chance at the Crisis Cafe I was introduced to Paul. I gave him a call and we went from there.

I couldn’t believe he put so much time and effort in free of charge - that just doesn't happen in this day and age. The weekly one-to-ones helped change things for me and I slowly but surely built confidence before jumping back into the serious working world. Once that had happened I didn’t require the meetings but knew he was always there in case I started to struggle again.

I’d encourage anyone in a dark or difficult place to reach out and open yourself up to being helped and supported. You’ll see the rewards long term. I couldn’t envision being where I am now.

T’s Mum

I write this testimony from a mother’s heart!

I remember the day that I had reached my lowest ebb and I knew my son needed someone to reach out to him in a meaningful way.

I had tried all the official routes, with some saying that he had to come in and see THEM!

This was despite my saying he had not left the house in many months. The alternative was filling out forms, to no avail.

However, within 24 hours of being in contact with Paul, he was at our door!

I can honestly say, that day was a turning point for our son. Paul did not just talk the talk, he walked the walk! Through coming to the house and inviting him to the Men’s Monthly Club, we gradually began to see a massive change! Today, he is getting back to himself.

We cannot thank you enough